
Entity Definition

Logical Name : SocialNetworkService
Physical Name : PA_SCL_NTWRK

Any internet based service that may be used by the public to exchange ideas, opinions, phots, videos, etc. The internet service may be free or for profit. it includes social network sites, blogs, Twitter or any other internet hosted service.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
SocialNetworkID (PK) Token ID of the InternetBasedService (i.e. Social Network, Blog, etc.) ID_SCL_NTWRK Identity integer
SocialNetworkName The business name of the InterNetBasedService NM_SCL_NTWRK Name varchar(40)
SocialNetworkTypeCode (FK) Identifies a valid type of social media. ONLINE_SOCIAL_NET - Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace BLOG - Huffington Post, Engadget MICRO_BLOG - Twitter WIKI - Wikipedia SOCIAL_NEWS - Digg, Slashdot, Reddit SOCIAL_BKMK - StumbleUpon, Delicious MEDIA_SHARE - YouTube, Flikr OPINION_REVIEW_RATING - Epinions, Yelp, Cnet ANSWER - WikiAnswers, Yahoo Answers CD_SCL_NTWRK_TYP Code varchar(20) SocialNetworkType(LU_SCL_NTWRK_TYP)
WebSiteID (FK) Token ID for a WebSite entity instance. ID_WB_STE Identity integer WebSite(LO_WB_STE)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
SocialNetworkType classifies SocialNetworkService
WebSite hosts SocialNetworkService
SocialNetworkService is accessed as SocialNetworkHandle

Logical Views containing SocialNetworkService

Logical View
Logical 02341 - Retail Transaction - Change for Charities View
Logical 06310 - Party - Role View
Logical 07010 - Customer Account Information Extended
Logical 07030 - Customer Segment Independent Characteristics